Mi Mundo & The Arrivals3 Roadshow
“Totally different from anything I could have expected. Thought provoking, heartbreaking, beautiful...”
During the creating of Arrivals2 in 2015, a story emerged from two of the participants that was so powerful, everyone who took part that year, professionals and community alike, insisted it needed to be given its own play.
This was the story of a real life Peruvian-Northern Irish couple, whose bonafide marriage and family life with two children was been torn apart by a new UK immigration law enacted in 2012 that put financial wealth ahead of the human right to family life.
‘Mi Vida Mi Mundo Mi Todo’ was how Ricardo Santacruz summed up the young family he was being torn away from in an interview with Terra Nova Artistic Director and playwright Andrea Montgomery.
“a fiercely, uncompromisingly good piece of theatre”
Premiered in early 2016 and remounted in 2017, Mi Mundo and the Arrivals3 Roadshow saw Montgomery pilot a new kind of immersive theatre as a playwright. Audiences of no more than 30 at a time were guided by an MC (Andrew Stanford in 2016, Nuala McKeever in 2017) into the bilingual lives of her characters Joaquin and Lisa (given outstanding life by Gemma Mae Halligan and Javier Rasero), following them from the dance class where they met, into their apartment, immigration office visits and more. After a cliff hanger ending audiences then moved into an interactive workshop which Montgomery developed with Peruvian colleague Charo Lanao. The immersive production team was outstanding: the 45 minutes show was directed by Tom Finlay, Sound Art was created by Augustine Leudar, Choreography by Mayte Segura and Set and Costume by Charlie Bosanquet.
“Enthralling and absorbing theatre, combining creative writing and superb acting with innovative production.”
Audiences participate in Joaquin's (Javier Rasero) dance class as he teaches Lisa (Gemma Mae Halligan).
Lisa (Gemma Mae Halligan) tells audiences and Joaquin (Javier Rasero) she is expecting a baby.
You can read a local reviews here: Laganonline review
The project was funded by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Belfast City Council, OFMDFM and Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council.