“ ‘What a thought provoking, inspirational and incredible performace. The script is so enjoyable and the time flies by...I didn’t want it to end.’”
This was a quirky, funny, romantic, shocking play that was both engaging and thought provoking. It featured a talented duo of up-and-coming actors, Melissa Dean and Stefan Dunbar.
“Stefan Dunbar is a star in the making in Me You Us Them”
MeYouUsThem was written and directed by Andrea Montgomery, and was based on hours of off-the-record conversations with people across Northern Ireland about race and modern relationships. The play sits at the centre of Irish relationship-driven drama. It’s about the craic, the heart, the way language sings, but it’s Irish drama with a difference because it’s also about race.
Melissa Dean and Stefan Dunbar rehearse the final scene of Me You Us Them.
Me You Us Them follows about 12 different characters in their Belfast lives. Beginning with monologues that gradually cross reference each other, it builds up into scenes as the characters lives gradually become more and more tightly knit. It’s black, tragic, but also very funny and romantic, ending on delightful moment of hope.
Read local Belfast reviews here: Irish New review, Alan in Belast review, Lagan Online review, Read another review here or watch the video below to hear playwright and director Andrea Montgomery chat about the original production and its place in Irish Theatre.