“Hilarious, a real crowd pleaser... refreshing, fast-paced and absolutely entertaining”
“Clever...appealing...showcases Nuala’s fine timing...to reveal any more would be to spoil the show...as they say in these parts, the craic is mighty.”
Written by McKeever and Montgomery with new comedy partner Anthony Toner, It's Not All Rain & Potatoes was a funny, fast-paced, physical romp through the world of all things Irish, it was also an attempt to understand Ireland from the outside looking in, a way to explain Ireland to the world. The three actors in this show roared through Irish culture from the arrival of the first potato to the return of final emigrant. For Northern for Southern, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, this energetic production covered it all.
The production was launched at the Belfast Grand Opera House Baby Grand featuring Nuala McKeever, Foalan Morgan and Steven Daly. It then completed a short regional tour of Northern Ireland. The creation of the production and the performances was supported by an on-going interactive show blog for audiences.