Our mission & vision
“Our Mission is to create excellent theatre where different cultures meet, people explore and the world is changed.”
“Our Vision is to put the wonder back into the world we all share.”
This means
Our work aims to make artists, participants and audiences feel a shared sense of wonder: an awareness of the possibility of exploration and growth.
Our work aims to make artists, participants and audiences aware of what binds humanity together while addressing what drives people apart.
Learning, Ethics, Practice
Terra Nova is in year 17 of an on-going journey to decolonise our practice, hone our values, and learn (in the face of hurdles and challenges) what needs to be done to make truly intercultural theatre. We affirm:
The artistic expression of immigrant and global majority artists is both essential and enriching to the Northern Irish society in which we live.
Our status as immigrants and global majority people in does not limit us or determine when and how we may express ourselves. Without us our society’s art is only partially expressed.
You can read Andrea Montgomery’s ethics checklist and a description of our intercultural practice. You can also read our statement on #BlackLivesMatter. If you are revisiting your own practice we recommend RISE’s powerful guide for artists. You can listen to a talk about our work at https://soundcloud.com/user-648540551/terra-nova-productions.