People React to Hungarian Proverbs

Katie Varga is a translator, linguist, artist and performer born in Hungary and living in Northern Ireland since 2015. They have previously played roles in BUDCo's Shakespeare adaptations of Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth, Green Shoot Productions' We'll Walk Hand in Hand and Terra Nova Productions' The Belfast Tempest and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. As a ukulelist and songwriter, they regularly perform with Belfast Ukulele Jam and as a solo artist at ukulele open mics. They share their original songs on their bilingual Youtube channel (

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Katie also has a strong interest in linguistics and connections between languages. Their video for the Intercultural Cohort presents differences and similarities between several languages and cultures through interviewing five people with five different native languages from all over the world. Katie translated a list of common Hungarian phrases into English and asked these five people to try and guess what these phrases mean. The result is very interesting and funny: sometimes people from different cultures had the very same association, and sometimes they came up with unique ideas.